Including last month’s deployment of 30 super reefs off the coast of Alabama brought the number of artificial reefs deployed by the state this year to 286.
David Walter of Reefmaker and his crews deployed 30 of 20-ton reefs at spots in the Gulf 18 to 35 miles off shore and in depths of 75 to 140 feet deep after the state made a request for 25-foot tall reefs. “We designed one and built it,” he said. “It ended up weighing about 20 tons so I had to go buy a big barge and a 110-ton crane to lift them with. They just deployed 30 of them. This is further out in the reef zone because these are so tall.”
Additionally, this spring his company deployed 220 six-foot tall reefs three miles off shore and in waters 34 to 44 feet deep...
For More Info, Visit -- Alabama Deploys 286 Reefs in Gulf
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